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keys to internationalizing a brand
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10 strategic keys to internationalize a brand

In an increasingly globalized world, any brand that is successful in its country of origin can try to grow by extrapolating its business model to other markets. And, in that case, it is very important to develop a correct internationalization strategy, protection, in some cases exploitation of the brand or even defense against third parties.

But creating a global brand is much more than exporting a proven and possibly successful business model in your home country to other countries. A brand has stopped being a sign, a name, a slogan or a logo to become the value promise of an organization.

Brands today are not only necessary elements to distinguish products or services from those of other companies on the market or to know their business origin, but are, some of them, transforming agents of our collective well-being and driving force of social progress.

You don't play with the value of the brand

In this scenario, the decision to internationalize a brand is a delicate matter that must be undertaken with great care to guarantee its correct development.

In certain sectors it is a particularly important decision, because the brand can become the main and most valuable asset of a company. Let's think about some brands known to all in sectors such as bio-sanitary and pharmaceutical, the universe of luxury, fashion or perfumery, the technology, engineering or hospitality or food industries.

Regarding the legal and legal decisions to be made, there are a series of aspects that cannot be ignored when carrying out the internationalization of a brand:

  • The most obvious and immediate is the search for expert advice on international and foreign branding.
  • The first step to undertake would be to request protection. The first trademark application will generally be made in the country in which the business is born and the first products and/or services with the chosen brand go on the market.
  • From that first request, we can extend the brand to other countries, looking for the most efficient formulas that adjust to the company's strategic plan, the possible use of the brand and the laws of the chosen country or countries.
  • It must be confirmed that the trademark strategy does not conflict with other rights and respects the protection strategies of other intangible assets (patents, designs) whose protection may overlap with the trademark in the same product or service.

The 10 essential steps for successful internationalization

Although the strategies will vary depending on the needs of each company, there are 10 unavoidable steps to guarantee the correct internationalization of a brand:

  1. The first, and perhaps the most important, is to choose the sign with which the products and/or services and their purpose will be marked. Here business and legal coherence must be maintained.
  2. Decide which markets a company operates or will operate in; that is, the priority markets and of main interest. In them, a series of decisions will have to be made to protect trademark rights.
  3. It will be crucial to check if the brand is available in all the markets in which the product or service will be present.
  4. In addition to other business issues, such as marketing objectives, a homogeneous brand plan or, on the contrary, a heterogeneous brand plan that adapts well to the markets and needs will be based on the obstacles detected in a given country. business.
  5. Use strategy. The brand must be registered in a manner consistent with the way in which it will be presented on the market, and vice versa. Inconsistencies generate conflicts and attract problems, to the point that an inconsistent decision between use and registration can lead to the loss of a right. You must also take into account who, how and when the brand is going to be used.
  6. Decide if brand management is going to be direct or indirect. If the brand is strong and the use can also be made by third parties other than the owner from whom royalties can be received, it will be necessary to establish a relationship with local agents (distributors, licensees, assignments...) and develop a solid contractual plan.
  7. Forgetfulness is expensive: If the brand is protected, but the domain registration is not obtained, or vice versa, there is a serious problem. A good international strategy cannot neglect any of these aspects in a world in which an easily findable online presence is almost mandatory.  
  8. If the brand is sensitive to illegal acts, only registration protection may be insufficient. Therefore, it is important to structure a strong brand defense and protection plan that also includes effective border and customs measures. A good brand strategy must be 360º.
  9. In today's world, with a strong presence of the Internet, RRSS, metaverse, etc., it is advisable to hire a crime detection service and design a plan to pursue and avoid them, especially in some sectors that are more sensitive to counterfeiting or brand theft.
  10. Confirm that all sector regulations are complied with. A good brand strategy is of no use if the rules to put the product or service on the market are broken. The pharmaceutical brand is a paradigmatic example of this.  

Therefore, before internationalizing a brand, it is necessary to anchor the foundations to try to achieve promising growth of one of the greatest assets of a company. It is necessary to have clear ideas, be cautious and try to follow these steps. In any case, be accompanied by accredited experts in the field.

Cristina Arroyo, Director of the Foreign Trademark Area of ​​ELZABURU

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