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China - Beijing Desk

On opening its Beijing office in 2013, ELZABURU became the first Spanish IP law firm to establish a presence in China.

ELZABURU has long-standing experience accumulated through advising Spanish companies interested in doing business in China and Chinese companies interested in doing business in Spain, Europe and Ibero-America.

Our China Desk team plays a dual role:

  • On the one hand, they advise Spanish companies to help them secure maximum protection for their IP assets in China and countries elsewhere in Asia. In particular, our Firm offers across-the-board advisory services in matters involving technology transfer agreements, currently one of the main areas of interest to Spanish companies.
  • At the same time, they also advise businesses in China and other Asian countries seeking to extend protection of their IP assets to Spain, Europe and Ibero-America. ELZABURU is one of Spain’s and Europe’s foremost firms, with an office in Alicante (EUIPO headquarters). In Ibero-America, the shared cultural and linguistic background and close ties make the ELZABURU Firm the ideal choice with a view to making headway in that region.

ELZABURU’s China Desk team members are Spanish and Chinese lawyers with a thorough grounding in both markets working at our offices in China (Beijing) and in Europe (Madrid, Valencia and Alicante).

Contact Contact

ELZABURU operates an office in China (Beijing) where IP professionals having broad knowledge of Asian markets stand ready to advise our clients.

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