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Certifications ISO

Quality management system – ISO 9001:2015

ELZABURU, SLP has the Certificate No.: FS 581604 and maintains an operational Quality System that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for the activities indicated in the following scope:

Services provided as a law firm and industrial property agent, including complete legal advice in the fields of industrial property (trademarks, trade names, patents, utility models, designs), intellectual property, domain names and related matters to intangible rights and the protection of innovation.

Information Security Management System – ISO 27001:2013

ELZABURU, SLP has the Certificate No.: IS 697138 and maintains an Information Security Management System that meets the requirements of ISO/IEC27001:2013 for the activities indicated in the following scope:

The management of the information security of the technological infrastructure, data and the design, development and maintenance of the applications that support all the business processes developed by the firm, in accordance with the Declaration of Applicability rev. 0, dated September 18, 2018.

ELZABURU Security Policy