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Entrepreneurs, Small and Medium Business

The emergence of a competitive entrepreneurial ecosystem in Spain in recent years has been one of the best news of the crisis.

Entrepreneurs and Start ups, as well as existing small and medium-sized companies have clearly opted for the innovation of their products and/or services as a means to differentiate themselves from the competition in the local market and attack new markets abroad. It is in this scenario where the correct management of the intangible assets of these companies is essential for their most immediate future.

In the case of entrepreneurs and Start ups, the protection of innovation through the signing of confidentiality agreements, registration of industrial and intellectual property rights (patents, designs, software, etc.) as well as the management of the corporate image (brands, trade names, domains, etc.). ) is of capital importance for maintaining the market position against large companies and attracting new investors to help in the expansion of the business.

The ELZABURU firm has extensive experience in accompanying and advising entrepreneurs, Start-ups and SMEs from the most initial phase of their projects to the final implementation in the national and foreign market of the final product or service, thereby achieving the correct safeguarding of all key intangible elements of your business.


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